If you're looking for a broadcasting platform and don't want to go down the expense/Google/Facebook route, why not try out Spreecast? It says of itself:
- Up to 4 people on camera at once.
- Unlimited number of people can view (can also be private).
- Recorded live and immediately available for playback.
- Chat, ask questions, join in on camera!
They're still ramping up their product, so it's via invite only at the moment, but it looks a good one to note for the future. I watched through their 'spreecast' which looked fine. You can just jump into a session to be involved if you're invited though.You can then:
1) Chat with others viewing and participating in the spreecast.
2) Submit a “Comment/Question”. The creator and producers of the spreecast will review it, and if he/she chooses to include your question in the spreecast it will appear on screen for all to see.
3) Press the “Join on Camera” button. When you do that, follow the instructions on your screen to allow Spreecast to hook up to your webcam and microphone. You will see yourself appear in a little box in the bottom left. You are not yet on camera, as the producer of the spreecast controls who appears on screen. You will have an opportunity to privately chat with the producer. Your request to join on camera may or may not be approved. If your request is approved, you will be “on deck” in the producer’s Queue to go on the air. When the producer decides to put you on, you’ll go live. Make sure you are ready!
The main disadvantage that I can see is that it's limited to 4 cameras, unlike some other resources like Tinychat which allows a dozen, but to be honest, there's only so much that a reasonable broadband can cope with before it gets too jerky.