I've recently been busy creating a number of Squidoo lenses, and rather drip feed in updates to the in the blog, I thought I'd mention them all in one go:
Webpage/site designing This is a lens that goes into a little detail on how to write and design a good website. I've put in links to resources that I think help to illustrate elements of good and bad design.
Cemeteries They're interesting places - what can I say?
Over 100 things to do with Yahoo! Mentioned this one yesterday I think.
Web 2.0 applications. Focuses on photograph sharing at the moment. Still need to work on this one.
RSS and tables of contents Just a short lens on a few places that have RSS feeds of tables of contents.
Tools for website designers. A few of the utilities to help you if you're creating websites and pages.
Search Engines This is similar to my 'Which search engine when' page. If you're not sure as to which search engine to use, this may give you some ideas.
Rick Wakeman. Keyboard player beyond all others. I can't imagine you'll be particularly interested in this one, but it's here anyway.