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November 22, 2006


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Without taking sides on this one, I do wonder how you can say he doesn't believe in "freedom of speech". He is not threatening censorship. He threatening only to exercise his own freedom of speech to post critical comments about those who don't act as he thinks they should.

That is part of what freedom of speech is about. I think Nazis should be allowed to spout their drivel (although I gag while typing that opinion) - but I must be allowed to criticise them in return. If I am to be stopped in doing so because I "don't believe in free speech" then *I* have no freedom of speech.

You may be right in disagreeing with him; I'd have to give that issue a lot more thought before I ventured an opinion. But when you claim he is attacking freedom of speech because he suggests he might use his *own* freedom of speech to criticise those he disagrees with, then you lose my sympathy - you're going overboard.

And, yes, your blog, your freedom of speech; if I ticked you off with that point, you have the freedom to reject it. But whatever you do, please don't drag freedom of speech in where it doesn't belong. You'll only weaken it in the long run.

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