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January 15, 2008


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Interesting every time I try to fix matters I have the wikipedia police breathing in my neck.
And the Dutch wikipedia is much worse than the English speaking police.....

Larry Fafarman

WoW!ter said,
>>>>>> Interesting every time I try to fix matters I have the wikipedia police breathing in my neck. <<<<<<

Exactly. I have given up on Wickedpedia. It's hopeless.

For example, once I tried to add the book "Of Pandas and People," a book that a federal judge banned from public school classrooms, to the Wickedpedia list of "banned books." The Wickedpedian control freaks refused to accept the entry. As a compromise, I proposed listing the book along with a note that the listing was disputed and links to external websites where the dispute was discussed or debated. No soap. The Wickedpedians finally completely rewrote the whole banned books article just to avoid listing the book.

One school district has even banned Wikipedia from all of the school district's computers, and I hope that other school districts follow suit.

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