The fate of the country is now safe! Gordon Brown, or at least #10 is now Twittering. Go take a look at: Twitter / DowningStreet. This is actually quite fun, since it's not just an RSS feed pointed at Twitter, it's the real thing, answering people as well. Currently following 1,184 people, with 1,231 it's following. There's a delightful link at the bottom 'block DowningStreet'. Oh, I wish. Thanks Karen.
Hi Phil,
What I now find worrying is that as soon as I started "following" number 10 I was notified that it is following me. I see you that you picked up on 1,184 people who are following No 10, but 1,231 people that No 10 is following. Hmm.. why do I hear the theme tune to Spooks in my head?
Posted by: Karen Blakeman | April 12, 2008 at 12:11 PM