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October 20, 2008


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David Bradley

Not sure how one can call Youtube a search engine, per se, it searches, sure, but it's not what is generally meant by the phrase. Anyway, a pedant would point out that Youtube is simply a subdivision of Google and therefore, Yahoo is still the #2. I can see more than a few boozy fights down the pub on this one ;-)

David Bradley

By the way, why do you have a captcha if you're moderating comments? Why not just use Akismet to catch the garbage and save commenters that extra step of solving the captcha, something I don't always remember to do, as I click away as soon as I hit post...

Phil Bradley

Well, YouTube has a database of content. It has a search engine that searches that database of content. I think that kinda makes it a search engine myself. And while it's owned by Google I think it's a discreet enough resource that it can be referenced in its own right - as many people do.

With regards the captcha - I've removed it for the time being, and I'll see how it goes. The product that you referred to seems to work particularly with Wordpress and I didn't see anything specific about using it with Typepad.

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