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December 18, 2008


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Caroline Roche

I totally agree, Phil, and those are exactly the criteria I have been using. I have found so many useful links and comments through Twitter already - completely invaluable as a working tool.

Kathryn Greenhill


My tweets are protected, so no-one can see them unless I have given them permission.

I actually double check what appears on my most recent page of tweets before I request to follow someone (or accept a follow).

Often I leave it until about Tuesday when the weekendish leisure tweets have given way to the more work focused librarianly tweets. Likewise, if I had obviously had a Very Bad and Grumpy Day, I'll wait a bit (or sometimes chuck in a few Pollyannaish tweets deviously designed to make me look happy and balanced :) )

I find the gossipy-chat service aspects interesting...I think it is more than inane banter. I think it creates a kind of "social grooming" that means that a trust relationship is built - meaning that the chatter is more likely to feel you are "worth" throwing out those golden, human-filtered links that would otherwise take days of serendipitous browsing to discover on your own.

Faye Jamieson

Thank you for these simple and useable guidelines. I have been hovering on the outskirts of Twitter, unsure how to proceed and how to make it add value to my day rather than just suck up time.You have shown me just that.Many thanks.

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