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January 31, 2009


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Formerly Happy Pageflakes User

Thanks for your update about what is happening with Pageflakes. There certainly isn't much information out there even acknowledging it is down.

Wanted to point out that your list of start page services still lists Pageflakes as your favorite.

Phil Bradley

Thanks for the comments. Yes, I know it's still listed as my favourite. In many ways, it still is, which is why I'm so annoyed. The resource is great - the management team are rubbish.

D Diehl

Well...this isn't the first time a great product has been destroyed/rapped/pillaged/abused/ignored by a someone who's only interest is short-term dollar.

Phil, thank you very much for the information, opinion and frankness.

I guess I should go look at NetVibes now... :)


Hello,I agree with you. I left My Yahoo! after it became outdated (I couldn't update my sports teams for example) and then went to iGoogle which somehow caused windows to keep popping up and my computer crashed (I spent a week reinstalling things including Vista). So I went to pageflakes (tried out netvibes too). At first I thought maybe I missed the memo on this "outage" but it's pretty clear that isn't the case. Now I'm back at My Yahoo! (they updated since I left). Weird to end up where I started.

Another very unhappy former Pageflakes user

Thanks Phil for the information. I wish I'd not relied on it so much and used an alternative start page - stupidly I didn't and now have days of work ahead of me to recreate a similar site on NetVibes (hope I can trust them!):-(

A slightly happier (former) Pageflakes user

Just to let anyone interested know that I just managed to access Pageflakes again - and am printing out all my pages as I type! I won't be lulled into a false sense of security again though...


Hi Phil - very well thought out post. Good management training for any startup founder out there.

We're relaunching a completely new version of NewsCred in a couple months, and it'll have a lot of the features that you loved at Pageflakes. We'd love to get you involved early by trying it out if you are interested in helping us build the product. Will get in touch.

Shafqat (cofounder of NewsCred)

Ole Brandenburg

Phil, believe me it's heartbreaking to see what happened to Pageflakes. Christoph has written an excellent review on his blog and I share his view. I think what made Pageflakes strong in the beginning was the combination of a good product with "real" customer care. We actively reached out to users, asked for the feedback and tried to implement it. Of course, only a fraction could be released but still - the philosophy of being user orientated was always strong.

Unfortunately, the new owner and management team of Pageflakes is (for what ever reasons) not able to at least maintain a certain level of support. It hurts me to see that (and read all the user feedback) but at the same time it would be hypocritical of me to say we would have done it better. We had the chance to build the product and we, too, did not manage to get there - hence the acquisition by LiveUniverse. In the end all this doesn't mean much for Pageflakes' users today since they simply want a reliable service. Very sad indeed that not even that can be provided. And for that I don't think there's any excuse.

Thanks for being such a loyal and active Pageflakes user for such a long time Phil.


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