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January 10, 2009


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Hi Phil, some clarifications:

1.) In most social sites, you need to be registered to access the profiles of other users, so if you are not a registered user of e.g. LinkedIn there is no way you're any info.

2.) Actually I haven't found any other service that does what snitch.name tries, so I'd be grateful if you know something I don't :)

I appreciate the time you've put to write about snitch.name and I'm available for any help. User feedback is gold!

Ryan Stephen

Hey Phil,

I'm a co-founder of http://socialwebresearch.com, a service that provides a breakdown of which social networks your clients are using within 48 hours, and growth projections for a year out.

It isn't as quick as snitch.name, but it is much more accurate and doesn't violate any terms of service with the networks.

I'd appreciate your feedback on how we could make this better. Feel free to drop me a line!


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