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January 29, 2009


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Anne Robinson

Phil, I am so glad that I work in a school where most of the new and interesting sites are not blocked. I am using Twitter for a range of reasons and have now put a link from our school library page so that I can use it for news updates. I will just have to be careful that I don't forget this and tweet something a bit too personal!

Christine Rooney-Browne

Hi Phil - great overview! It did take me a while to get into Twitter but now I'm addicted! I love the immediacy of it. I've found so many interesting articles via other people's tweets; the sort of stuff I would never have come across otherwise. I also enjoy reading random and amusing tweets from Stephen Fry - he always brightens up my day!


Coming from a previous company when practically nothing was blocked, it was a bit of a shock to join an organisation that uses internet filtering. I felt like I'd been cut off from my whole professional community. That was particularly frustrating as I'd gone from being part of a large team to being a team of one.

So something had to be done. Our internet use policy only bans unreasonable use and doesn't specifically mention any services. As a result I don't feel I'm breaking the rules if I circumvent the blocks on social networking sites by using iGoogle widgets, RSS feeds and status updating services.

It has made me more keen to post about business stuff and I'm also keeping track of the business benefits I get (your post will be helpful here)...at some stage I'd like to tackle the policy itself.

Magalie Le Gac

At Wellingto City Libraries , we have a Twitter account and it is used to:

push out blog posts from Newsblog, Teensblog, and Kids blog (via RSS feeds).
push out new books/bios/DVDs via RSS from Aquabrowser catalogue.
advertise library web pages via promotional one-liner that are scheduled throughout the week.
updating followers about what's going on at the library in terms of events /new items to be released.



At the College of DuPage, we have something called Libarary Secrets, a tips and tricks program that uses social software (along with printed posters and MOO cards) to promote Library services and IL skills. The Library Secrets Twitter takes the tips outside of our Library and focuses on online tools and applications that can make research, collaboration, creation, and information in general fun and easy. We started in the Fall of '07 and we now have 375 followers.



Sarah Houghton-Jan (Librarian in Black)

I just don't get Twitter. Yes, I am a techie librarian, and I don't get it. I've tried it so many times. I can see its usefulness, but for me personally it is simply too much information. It is the straw that breaks my metaphorical "information load back." I find the same with FriendFeed (it's an awesome concept, but who has the time?). I suppose if you kept a very tight, tight list of people you subscribed to, it wouldn't be too much. I guess I just don't understand why and how it has taken off as much as it has. Its insular communities make it less accessible for new users; its short character limit makes it just like Facebook updates; its updating feature mimics RSS's loveliness; and its format is just like IM for all practical purposes. I guess it's just not right for me. Start calling me a curmudgeon!

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