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February 02, 2009


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Karen Blakeman

Hi Phil,

We moved UKeiG's 'stuff' from PageFlakes to Netvibes during the advertisement fracas. OK, PageFlakes backtracked on that and several people urged us to return to PF. As far as we were concerned, we could not trust PF to not do the same or something similar again plus they had stopped communicating with users. There were also the frequent downtimes and painfully slow loading of pages. As you say, even if PF is not closing down, how can any user trust them again.



I was a happy pageflake user, but got fed up after the LiveUniverse muckup kept me out of my site for weeks on end. Moved my portal of library/tech pages to
www.netvibes.com/knowbodies and have been happy ever since

Andy Tattersall

Hi Phil
This is really useful thanks. After putting countless hours into setting up three Pageflake accounts (with multiple tabs) for health specialist groups, I've become increasingly wary of the thing. First they start sticking ads on with no mention, and then they go down again with nothing in the forums. I think Netvibes could be the way - but what happens then they go down ;-)


There doesn't seem to be any pageflakes at all this morning-I've been using the "teacher" version and it's just disappeared-but as you say, since there was no warning-all of my work in setting it up and using it with classes for the last year and a half or so is gone. Fortunately, it was mostly links but I have been posting my daily lessons there for some time and students are used to looking for it when they arrive in class. I have a wiki now and I'll recreate the most important parts there, but creating the pageflakes site did represent time and effort-and now I'll have to reconfigure all of the computers in the lab to a new homepage etc... Most teachers wouldn't be following a techblog-I just found yours from doing a google search "where is pageflakes today.


It's a real shame, as I found Pageflakes the easiest startpage service to use. Time to move on I suppose, if it looks like things are getting worse.

On a related 'decline of an online service' strand - I still use Bloglines and the service seems to have improved since the rest of the world defected.

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