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June 01, 2009


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Kathryn Greenhill

....and, if you connect from Australia..you get offered UK results also...hellooo - another hemisphere down here....

Jenny Luca

Thanks Phil for your detailed review. Love how you explore everything and let us know about it. Looks like I won't bother with Bing!


Would I be right in thinking you don't like it Phil! :-) I quite like te image search, but then again that was the one bit of 'Live' that I quite liked too, so that probably isn't saying a lot. And whilst after a quick play I would not go as far as to say it's awful, I would agree on first look that it doesn't really seem to offer anything that would make you change your default search (most likely google).

Daniel Clarke

Personally the first thing I would say is visually it looks awful. I mean did web designers for Bing go back to 1998? It does not stand out as clean, has more bugs than live (which is odd being this is mainly a reskinning of live) and despite some good press, I don't expect it to push the market figures one way or another!

- Daniel Clarke.
Lead Dev MSE360.com

website promotion services

Yes, I try it , nice one, perfect look, but still google is the best, hope in future it will be side by side with google



Wow....so closed... Personally I think Bing works great. Much more relevant searches than googasaur.
And no, I'm not a fanboy, use OS X as my preferrded OS. Google is bloated and in need of a facelift.


Now try another interesting search. Type in "linux" and check the proposals on Bing and compare them to Google..."linux microsoft" appears second. Weird...Bing is too much microsoft oriented. I don't really like that behavior


A non-event to me... I would always give preference to Exalead or Ask as an alternative to GG and Y!

Gaurav Parashar

Nice article. Bing has come along pretty well in its initial phase. I wrote an article on MS Bing which has been followed with a good discussion, please find on my webpage link given along

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