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June 30, 2009


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Why is it we only consult for the biggest companies and the smallest companies for free? Thank God for medium-sized companies.

In defense of Bing - Whilst they didn't necessarily mention paying for travel, they did say they would when I asked, so I hope you kept the receipt

Phil Leggetter

Nice post Phil. I think you've listed all the key points that came out of yesterday.

I think you came up with some very constructive points yesterday that Microsoft should definitely do something about and continue listening to your opinion.

Since this was the first of these types of meetings, and I hope there are more, I would have liked people to be a bit more positive about what Microsoft have done and are trying to do. They have successfully rebranded Live to Bing. By doing so they have managed to gain a bit of traction (3% of the search market) and people are becoming aware of the rich search functionality that Bing has such as the Video search with play-on-rollover and a better image search experience. You made a good point that this was already in Live search but people just weren't aware of it. More people are now.

You also highlighted a few things you liked such as the AJAX-powered site content preview you can get of a page to allow people to make a more informed decision before actually clicking a link.

The main thing for me is that we need competition in this area. Google have forced Microsoft to try harder in areas they previously took for granted such as the web browser and office productivity (email, word processing, spreadsheets). Maybe Microsoft will be able to push Google into being more innovative in order to keep their large share of the market. Time will tell and, as you note above, Microsoft are in it for the *long* haul.

Web Hosting Review

One great thing about Bing is using it for shopping... Search the term wii in Bing. Notice at the top there will be a sponsored link for a percent off anything on eBay. Just follow the link.

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