A Search engine for PowerPoint presentations. I've seen a few references to this one of late, so I thought I'd take a quick look. Basically it does what it says on the tin - it finds PPT based content for you.
It offers both simple and advanced search functionality, and you can limit searches to presentation name, slide title, text, speaker notes, keywords, site and language - so you can search individual slides, not just the entire thing. Results are presented by relevance with previews, similar presentations and so on. You can then view the presentation online or download it. (As an aside, it's interesting to see which are the preferred backgrounds that people use!)
A few things that I was not impressed with - it doesn't seem to be able to provide access to sites such as Slideshare, which is a big disappointment and shortcoming, no RSS search feed option and although it's possible to limit to University sites, none from the UK are included.
That aside - this is a nice change from limiting by filetype on Google and worth checking out.
It offers both simple and advanced search functionality, and you can limit searches to presentation name, slide title, text, speaker notes, keywords, site and language - so you can search individual slides, not just the entire thing. Results are presented by relevance with previews, similar presentations and so on. You can then view the presentation online or download it. (As an aside, it's interesting to see which are the preferred backgrounds that people use!)
A few things that I was not impressed with - it doesn't seem to be able to provide access to sites such as Slideshare, which is a big disappointment and shortcoming, no RSS search feed option and although it's possible to limit to University sites, none from the UK are included.
That aside - this is a nice change from limiting by filetype on Google and worth checking out.
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