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February 11, 2010


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For a librarian, you aren't very objective. Predicting that Google will "whine" in their response and complaining that you could track someone's location because they enabled a feature that, you guessed it, posts their location makes you come off as rather uneducated. Perhaps you should write your posts and then go back and reread them before publishing.


Love how sites thing the default should be 'we going to share everything' and it's up to you to figure out how not to, rather than the other way around.

I'm undecided on Buzz so far. Seems like a kind of halfway house between gTalk and Wave in some respects.

I can see potential, if not a need, for it.

Phil Bradley

Thanks 'Joe' (your comments would be taken more seriously if you were prepared to actually say who you are), but I'm not particularly here to be objective. It's a blog, and it's my opinion. Why not post to your own blog and tell us what YOU think about it?

Chris Tregenza

Interesting thing about Buzz and the inbox is that you can add filters to them just like emails. This is a great idea - I would love to be able to filter/sort tweets like this - but the in-tray is not the place for this feature.

I also want to see how Google develops Buzz / Wave / Email / Reader integration. There is some real potential here but at the moment, Buzz is not that good.

John Kirriemuir

Played with Buzz last night. First impression is that it's a tidied-up version of wave/drown, and possibly yet another thing that requires a status update. I need less boxes to type stuff into (already have Twitter, Friendfeed, Facebook, Linked-In), not more.

The default of making the people you communicate with public I'm seriously not impressed with. I run a business, so am involved in competitive tendering and negotiating with academics. It's not something I'd want other people bidding for the same monies to see. #FailPrivacyProtect

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