I wasn't aware of this type of game until a friend of mine pointed it out to me. The idea is very simple - you have a picture, usually quite complex and busy and you have to find images within it that you can click on. They then disappear and you get more until you complete the puzzle. A bit like 'Where's Wally?' I think. There are hundreds of these things, and as a word of warning, they're very addictive and you can spend hours playing them. Some are more educational than others, but I can certainly see how they could be used in a classroom situation. I did manage to find one that was library based and I've included a screenshot below:
The idea behind this one is that you have to hunt down numbers; it's not the most fun, but as I say, it's a library related one from Games2dress. Maybe in a couple of years we could do an image of the whole of the UK and have a 'hunt the library' one?
I could very easily see that as being an engaging way of presenting a library floor plan. "See what we've got" as well as the usual "Find what you want." It's a good way of surprising people with the range of our services.
Posted by: Steven | August 26, 2010 at 03:27 PM