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February 01, 2011


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Interested reader

As a keen Android user, it'll be interesting to see what occurs...I suspect the Kindle app will still be in Android Market, whatever happens..?

pilates arlington virginia

Apple has never been permitted iOS Apps to have in app purchases without going thru apple. Simply never. And as the poster above has pointed out that is exactly how the Kindle has always worked.

Phil Bradley

Well, let's see. I download the Kindle app, free from the App store. I buy my Amazon book via my Kindle, without going through the app store. I open up my iPad or iPhone and Whispersync to my Amazon purchased product and I read it on my Apple device without having paid Apple a dime. So your point would be what, exactly?


Rather than being a disaster for Amazon, this could be a disaster for Apple. How upset would owners of Apple prodycts be if Apple pulled one of their favorite apps? The Kindle app is the reason many people bought an iPod Touch. I have no need for mine if Kindle isn't there. Android may be killing Apple anyway - this will just make it happen faster.

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