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July 06, 2011


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I've ben planning a mini review of this too - but had yet to work up to it. Pretty much agree though. Not a facebook killer, but quite well done and if you're a gmail user, and have that open a lot, prob going to use it a lot ... unless of course your browser doesn't support (see my lastest blog!)


I waited 10 days, to be able to register and yesterday.. surprise! I'm on Google+ now. In my opinion it looks more clear than facebook. I'm going to test it now.

I think that’s a great idea and a perfect use. Plus, I like the “drop in” nature of that… if you create a circle with all of your students, you get put up the hangout, Google + will announce that you are around and they can drop in for episodic help.

Bulk SMS Reseller

stunning,Great stuff ! Thanks for sharing. Started knowing google+ project.

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