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September 05, 2011


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Sell Book

You have said right that if a shop is sensibly located then only there is use of it otherwise sell book online.

bee mcneill

Great article leaving me with two observations. four small independant bookshops that I have used in the last 6 years have closed due solely to the hike in the rents and insurances imposed by the local councils. Included in this number were two that were also selling 'on line'. If Libraries were (no generalisation meant)more user friendly and councils were encouraged to drop rents for the small independant business perhaps an answer could be found.

Diana Nutting

This was interesting to add up. As well as my 6-10 physical new from a bookshop, I've bought 5 physical books from Amazon, and a few more for my Kindle (I haven't had it long) but all of these pale into insignificance compared with how many I borrow from my excellent public library, whose only failing is that it doesn't lend e books yet. I'm also addicted to second hand bookshops. I wonder if they are closing at the same rate. I guess not. Here we're down to one Waterstones for new books but there are several second hand bookshops

Mark Lardner

My concern is that you could equally substitute the phrase Public Library for Bookshop in your third paragraph and it would be equally valid.

Even worse, the bigger bookshops are open longer, are better staffed and, most worrying of all, often better informed than some of the staff in my local library. And they are still struggling.

Rhona Arthur

Ebooks are another format but one where flexibility, portability and choice are an intrinsic part of the attraction for readers. Personally I regret the closure of local violating as I see it as a contraction of range and choice. I prefer books because I have a passion for the object as well as the content but am beginning to see ebooks bestsellers are different to paperback bestsellers. Does this mean readers are choosing what they really want to read and not what the airport/supermarket/stock selection committee put in front of them? Or are they a new audience? If so, is that a new market for libraries? The Internet hasn't killed off bookshops anymore than it's killed off high streets. It's about business, marketing abd customer choice.

Emma McDonald

Hhhmmm I answered 21+, but that's only because I read far too fast, and so end up buying large amounts in whsmith's in victoria to read on the train (I'm counting whsmith's as a bookshop, but you may beg to differ) and because of the excellent comic shop in Brighton (I've easily bought 20 books from them this year). Strangely I'm happy to pay extra and buy my graphic novels from an independent shop and not amazon, because i tend to collect a series slowly over a year or so, not all at once. Plus being a specialist shop they are a major source of impulse buys and recommended books which I wouldn't get from amazon. Becuase they're a very good shop I don't mind supporting them and am happy to pay extra for the quality of service. Which is not something I'd have said for about the local independent shop whcih closed it's doors last year.
I'm also incredibly impatient so waiting a week for an amazon delivery is only something I'm willing to do if I save a substantial amount.


I've bought about 5 from second-hand bookshops - an even rarer breed. I love the Net for 2nd hand books as it's more likely to expose me to what I want. However my gripe is that illustrators / artists in books are not considered important metadata and Internet bookshops often miss out on my business as a result! Browsing a secondhand bookshop is heaven to me as I can see the artists I want straight away!

Sarah Masters

I've just finished going through the results of our Reading Survey which was open to all students - year 7 to year 13 ( aged 11-18), and when asked...
Apart from the MRC (our library) where do you get your books from for reading for fun?
The highest percentage said Shops (35%). In second place with 25% came Public Libraries, and family and friends scored just 15% each. So perhaps the death of the bookshop is further away than we might think...


I don't remember the last time I bought a book at a book store it's self. I tend to browse online or hit the second hand stores. Thank you for sharing your article.

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