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September 21, 2011


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Nick Stamoulis

People always protest whenever Facebook makes changes. They say they'll leave the service, but they don't. Facebook knows that they have us hooked. They're going to make changes whenever they want to that will continue to feed their empire.

Jo (JWo79)

There has been a lot of seemingly paranoid status updates and comments on FB today about subscriptions. There are also pleas from people to 'not' subscribe to them as they don't want their information/status updates/pictures to be public.

I assumed (perhaps naively) that if your FB account was locked down to 'Friends Only' for everything that nothing you posted (or posted on) was public. Am I wrong?

Phil Bradley

Jo, I think the point here is that if you comment on someone elses status update of someone that I don't follow I can see what you've said. That's what I'm noticing any how. To be honest the whole thing is just such a disaster it's difficult to work anything out!

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