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December 10, 2011


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Ed Jewell

Playing devil's advocate, but you could argue that Google is a healthy company, in that it has the capacity to experiment and the performance analysis, confidence & flexibility to ditch failing projects quickly.

john gordon

How could you omit ending Google Reader social?

Peter Kasting

As an ex-Firefox contributor who works on Chrome, I have the perspective to say that ending Toolbar for Firefox made sense from a "these features are almost all built into Firefox now so the product no longer is compelling for users" perspective. Which is in fact precisely why Google said they were killing it.


Well, I kind of trust Google.

Phil Bradley

Why would you trust Google?


why wouldn't you trust google?

Phil Bradley

That you'd even ask the question is, with respect, jaw dropping. I suggest that you go off and read some of my previous posts about the company, and while you're at it, check out those of my colleague Karen Blakeman who has written extensively about how dangerous Google is.

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