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July 11, 2012


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Karen Gibbins

Thanks phil. I think you summarise the main points well and hopefully rebuffed some of the earlier arguments. It's down to librarians to take up the mantle now

Alyson Tyler

Thanks for info about this meeting. From Wales, the e-books pilot data so far is showing that most popular download time is 9pm followed by 8pm. (Nearly) all libraries are shut at that time, so we're increasing access. Could be argued that e-book reading people are new audience for libraries, thus won't be diminishing the footfall? Also e-books are rarely 'bought' from publishers, it's a license to access it for a period of time (until the contract runs out), unlike a paper book which is the libraries forever. Just my views!

Web Site Design Services

the library is more than a bookswop - access to books (in any format) is only one of its uses.

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