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October 10, 2012


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Christopher Pipe

Like that poem!

I once drafted a risk assessment for school libraries:

* pupils may enjoy themselves here
* pupils may read whole books
* pupils may think for themselves
* pupils may find information which is more reliable (or opinions which appear more trustworthy) than those of their teachers
* pupils may read fiction which deals with unpleasant or worrying themes
* pupils may lose mental equilibrium in the face of so many different sources of information
* pupils may encounter difficult words and concepts
* fake websites may mislead the unwary
* pupils may read the end of a book before the teacher reaches it in class
* anyone removing a shelf support may be thumped by a library monitor
* pupils may be so enthralled by what they are reading in the library that they are late for lessons and risk teachers' ire

And of course it is not only pupils who may find Health & Safety hazards in the library:
* inspectors may ignore the library, thus leading to a loss of self-esteem on the part of library staff
* cleaners may declare certain parts of the library outside their job description, thus leading to either unhygienic conditions or an overworked librarian
* parents/teachers/senior management may act as though they know better than the librarian how to run the library, thus endangering the librarian's health

Peter Alsbjer

I put the poster on my pin board at Pinterest, hope it was OK http://pinterest.com/peterals/alternative-librarianism/

Rob Jarvis

You can only find Edgar Alan Poe in a library!!! What could be more gruesome,morbid dreadful and macabre than he?

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