is apparently an "innovative search engine". They go onto explain that it "is an experimental but innovative idea to explore search results in a grouply manner so that all search results related to a search query can be stacked together in one single page and then you can use that page to navigate between your desired results with great ease." (As an aside, I love the 'grouply manner' phrase!)
What this means in practice is that you get a group of boxes with a small amount of information about the page in them, and you can choose the ones that you're interested in. It looks a bit like this:
You can click on a link to see the page inframe on the Quicko website, and you can collect a series of pages to look at - I've got a couple over on the left hand side of the page. To be honest, I don't find this particularly helpful, since I'm just seeing results in a different format with less information than I'll get from Google. Moreover, if I want to view a page, I can do so via page preview, or I can use something like Redz which works in the same way. If the grouping of results is important to me, then I can do that using Searchlion (aka Slikk) which works in a rather more attractive way.
So I'm afraid that this engine has nothing to really recommend itself, and the interesting things that it does do are done better by more established engines.
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