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March 14, 2013


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Megan Roberts

My main difficulty in losing Google Reader isn't for personal, or mostly professional issue s- like you say, they're mostly available on Twitter. But I do run a small news alerting service for my colleagues, where I send them updates on certain subjects, so for me some form of traditional-type reader is essential for that.


On a Mac NetNewWire is a great reader, but I'm not sure it has the cloud based appeal reader had. So your various devices won't be updated as they were with google reader.


Hi, I would like to inform you that we have just released another tool for feed aggregation - MultiPLX. We are striving to reach feature-parallel for all Google Reader users.

Would appreciate if you and your blog visitors would try it out at http://multiplx.com.


Nina Chachu

Thanks for your most helpful post. Personally I am very sad to see Google Reader go; it did most of what I wanted it to do, and brought together a lot of resources in one place. Your suggestions are great, and I will definitely follow up.

Chris Torrero


Is there any way of removing the pre-loaded feeds on Netvibes? - they get in the way.

Sue Lawson

I'm really going to miss Google Reader. I use it a lot - every day - to find content for my libraries social media channels and my blog. V. hacked off but thanks for this excellent list.

Arne van Elk

I have been checking Bloglines using my old account: it's not bad, but unfortunately I don't see an option to import an OPML file. So it seems you can't just migrate your Google Reader feeds to Bloglines

Tom Roper

Feedly looks like the way to go for me; I've used the desktop NetNewsWire since I started reading blogs, about ten years ago. They changed from using Newsgator Online (remember that?) to Google Reader to power their syncs in 2009. Using my retrospectoscope, perhaps they shouldn't have.
I need three things from a reader, whether desktop or web based
1. Smartlists
2. Import and export of OPML
3. Syncing between devices, in my case desktop Mac, iPad and iPhone

Angela Booth

Wow Phil -- thanks for the comprehensive article. I'm feeling a little better now, after yesterday's shock from Google.

I left BlogLines when Yahoo shut it down. If it's still available, I might go back to it. Of course, they threatened to shut it down once, so I hate the idea that I'll have to move again.

Paul J. Martinez

Another good option for web-based RSS reader is FeedBin https://feedbin.me/

Mark Perkins

RSSOwl is also worth trying...


Great job Phil! Thanks a lot for putting it together.

I have a couple of good complementary candidates to add to your list:

http://www.skimr.co/ simple web-based RSS reader

http://www.feeder.co/ for Google Chrome

Keep up the great work.


Opera can show feeds in mail window.


Google Reader alternative: Skimr - http://www.skimr.co


in my case Feedly is the winner - I was able to import my Google Reader feeds in seconds. and it is totally free
pretty good list though
best regards

Vicki Cormie

Thanks for the list, I will check them out.I tried Feedly a few weeks ago, but I can't figure out how to use it without Google Reader, must be doing something daft.

Catherine Lidbetter

I've started using The Old Reader as an alternative, and it works fine. I'm not chuffed about Google's decision to scrap Reader, especially since just two weeks ago I was plugging it to a group of 300 students as an ideal way to organise their RSS feeds!


Thank you so much for this review, which I found through a link on Ravelry. I appreciate the way you write, and I especially appreciate the roadmap through my post-Reader options!


Very useful list for me. Thanks for the information shared.

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