A nice, free and easy alternative to Google Alerts . You can monitor the Web for interesting new content about your name, brand, competitors, events or any favourite topic with Talkwalker Alerts! Talkwalker Alerts are an easy and free alerting service that provides email updates of the latest relevant mentions on the Web directly to your email box or RSS feed reader.Well, that's what they say.
I tried it out, and it looks exactly like a Google alert service.
It will create an account for you, so that you go in and change the alerts whenever you need to. There doesn't seem to be a limit on the alerts that you can create, and it's a free service, so you might want to give it a go. It's different to Mention, which I'm still enjoying using since you can really do a precision search - I'm presuming that it pulls its data from Google.
There is a limit on the number of alerts. It's 100. (I found this out after migrating all of my Google Alerts and then trying to create a new alert.)
Posted by: Shawn Rossi | April 01, 2013 at 05:38 PM