My updated list of social media tools - about 1,000 of them is now available on my newly revamped website. I went through my previous lists and deleted any that were no longer available, and added in all the new ones that I've found and mentioned in my Social Media Tools blog. I've created collections of them, which you can see from the index page, but if you're interested in anything in particular you can try:
Databases, drawings, mindmapping
Office suites and presentation tools (including screen sharing and recording)
Communication tools (including bulletin boards, chat boxes, video conferencing and so on)
Discovery tools for books, films, games, food and music
Education tools (including word clouds)
Humour (including games, images, generators)
Image tools (including buttons, fonts, icons)
Miscellaneous tools (including file format converters, really miscellaneous stuff)
Multimedia tools (including audio, video, podcasts, photographic tools)
Time management tools (including notetaking, read later and to do lists)
Web pages (including annotating, bookmarking, webpage watching, URL shorteners and widgets)
Websites (including creation, domain name checking, analysing tools)
In total there are about 1,000 tools listed, so if you need something, I will probably have a tool listed that does the job! It would be really appreciated if you could publicise my lists on Twitter, both for my benefit but also to get the word out as widely as possible! Thanks!