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January 15, 2016


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Tom Roper

Well done to both you and Karen for excellent critiques of lazy journalism. I was disappointed to find this article commended on a couple of library e-mail lists, which shows we can be as uncritical as the next person. I must ask though, what did you say that fell foul of the moderators? I hope it wasn't more industrial language :-)

Marydee Ojala

Should we invite him to Internet Librarian International's WebSearch Academy? He might learn something.


Touchy, this Guardian chap, isn't he?

Charles Oppenheim

If I were him, I'd be grateful that his article has been carefully analysed and minor (and I do think they are mainly minor) errors pointed out. As Phil says, his anger says a lot about him. I love Marydee's comment!

Amra Porobic

Great analysis Phil!
Searching between two values.
Have you missed to point out the unnecessary extra space between dots?
I haven't had a chance to read Karen's blog yet.

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