Every single time. Every single time! I think 'ohh, maybe this is the time that we'll get a really good search engine for children' only to find that no, we really don't. The same thing can be said of 'Thinga'. It comes with lots of really nice high minded sentiments; people first, walled garden, fully curated and so on. However, when you go to do a search, well... it leaves a lot to be desired. For example, a search for 'internet' returned 0 results, and most of the other searches that I tried gave very limited results, and were just video links. Not a great deal of use there. If Thinga couldn't find something it would default to DuckDuckGo instead, which brings its own problems. When you're using a third party the idea of a walled garden goes straight out of the window, and you're reliant on that search engine to give you filtered material. To be fair, with most of the 'naughty word' searches that I tried, nothing was returned (although even then that's not helpful - if a child does want to know about a subject, simply giving them nothing at all just means they are going to go further afield) but 'flashing' and 'exhibitionist' both turned up links that very quickly led to pages that children really don't need to be seeing. You could argue that it's unlikely that children will do that sort of search, and I'd agree, but if you're going to have a child friendly search engine, it either is, or it isn't.
Bottom line - disappointing.
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