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October 26, 2016


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Karen Blakeman

Re the height of Ben Nevis it was remeasured earlier this year and is now 1344.527m according to Ordnance Survey. The number is rounded up so the height is officially 1345m https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/about/news/2016/gb-officially-taller-ben-nevis.html

I love this example for testing search and demonstrating quality, or rather lack of it, in results. Not only do you get different heights in metres but the feet/metres conversion is often wrong. It should be 4,411ft 2in or rounded down to 4411ft. No way does 4411ft = 1,343m. So Alexa does win on this.

I would love to know where Wolfram gets its height from.

And by the way, my Google search came up with 1345m as the quick answer/fact at the top. Are we surprised that you and I get different Google answers? Of course not.

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